
What to Do When Google Plans to Shutdown Business Websites

houseSilver Alcid Jan 17, 2024

Google has announced that its Business Profiles websites will be discontinued in March 2024. Users attempting to access these sites will be redirected to the corresponding Google Business Profile until June 10, 2024. After this date, these websites will no longer be accessible, showing a "page not found" error. This decision aims to enhance the online experience.

If you built your website with Google or your domain ends in then this article is for you.

When Will Google Turn Off Google Business Profile Websites?

In March 2024, Google plans to deactivate websites associated with Google Business Profiles. Following this change, any attempts to visit these websites will be redirected to the business's Google Business Profile until June 10, 2024.

After this date, if no alternative website has been set up, visitors trying to access the original website will encounter a "page not found" error message. This change necessitates action from business owners to ensure continued online presence.

So what's next for website owners?

Business Profiles websites have long been a popular choice for entrepreneurs and small businesses in the Raleigh, Durham, and the Triangle areas seeking a straightforward online presence linked to Google. With Google's upcoming changes, these local business owners must quickly adapt and plan their next steps. To assist, here's a brief guide on how to respond effectively to these changes, tailored to meet the specific needs of small business owners in this region. This guide will cover essential steps to ensure a seamless transition and maintain your online visibility.

Step 1: Check your website

First, verify if your business utilizes a Google Business Profile website. This is typically indicated by a website URL ending in If your business's website falls under this category, it's crucial to start preparing for the upcoming transition.

Step 2: Explore new platforms

If you're a busy person who trusts professionals to do their best work, we recommend consulting with your local web development specialists. For individuals who prefer to DIY and require basic website functionality, options like Wix, Squarespace, and Webflow can be suitable, especially if you have a lot of time to devote to website creation. These platforms are user-friendly and cater well to visual design needs. However, for those requiring advanced functionality, either presently or in the future, WordPress is a recommended alternative due to its flexibility and scalability.

While website builders offer convenience, they may not always be the most effective for SEO purposes. This could impact how well your site ranks on search engines like Google, potentially affecting your visibility and placing you lower on search result pages. To maximize your website's SEO and performance potential, it's beneficial to consider professional web development services.

At Triangle Web Designs, we focus on creating handcrafted website designs and development. Our approach ensures that your website not only achieves its maximum Google Speed Score but also effectively engages and converts visitors. This personalized attention to detail in web development sets your site apart in terms of performance and audience impact.

Curious to see what your official Google Speed Scores are? Just put your link in Google's official free tool, PageSpeed Insights.

Step 3: Build your new website

After choosing a platform for your new website, it's time to build your website. View this process as an opportunity to rejuvenate and improve your online identity. This isn't just about website creation; it's a chance to rethink your connection with your audience, incorporating modern trends, user-friendly designs, and interactive elements. It's a strategic time to reassess your brand's messaging and align your website with your business objectives, amplifying your online impact and resonance with your audience.

While building a website on your own is a viable option, enlisting the help of a professional graphic designer and copywriter can greatly enhance your website's content and SEO. Quality content attracts more visitors, which can lead to increased business. For those on a budget, focusing on incorporating engaging photos and providing clear, detailed explanations of your services and business is a good strategy.

Step 4: Update your Google Business Profile

It's crucial to update your Google Business Profile to reflect your new website. Make sure to revise your business details, including the addition of your new website link. This step is essential to ensure customers can easily locate you online and access your updated digital presence.

Step 5: Communicate the changes to your customers

Inform your customers about the changes to your website. Utilize various communication channels such as email, social media, or even updated business cards with your new website information. This approach helps ensure a seamless transition for both you and your customers, keeping them engaged and informed about your business's online updates.

Get Ready for Google Business Profile Website Changes

The upcoming changes with Google Business Profile websites have left many small business owners and entrepreneurs in a state of uncertainty about their digital future. However, this shift also presents an opportunity to upgrade your online presence with a more personalized website.

Taking proactive steps now not only ensures a seamless transition for your business but also gives you a competitive edge. It's advisable for businesses, especially in the Raleigh, Durham, and Triangle area, to consult with local web design experts, like us here at Triangle Web Designs, to avoid potential business disruptions.

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